In a riveting turn of events on the pilot episode of “We Are Family,” which premiered on January 3, 2024, on FOX, the audience was treated to the revelation of not one but two celebrity relatives. Following the unveiling of Michelle Williams and Joel McHale’s kin, the stage welcomed a mysterious man, setting the scene for an unexpected and heartwarming family connection.
As the third contestant took the stage, the atmosphere buzzed with anticipation. The man showcased his vocal prowess with a soulful rendition of “How Sweet It Is (To Be Loved By You).” The slowed-down rendition retained the original vibe, and the voice that resonated from behind the stage hinted at the professionalism of a seasoned singer—airy, clear, and truly captivating.
The panelists, including Anthony Anderson and other celebrity judges, engaged in lively speculation, attempting to guess the identity of the talented singer. Amidst the guesses, one panelist hit the mark. The moment of revelation brought comedian Nikki Glaser onto the stage, beaming with pride. The masterful voice belonged to none other than Nikki’s father, EJ.
Nikki shared heartfelt details about her father, revealing that he had taken a hiatus from touring with his band to financially support the family during her upbringing. Now, with newfound freedom, EJ could once again pursue his passion for music, a journey beautifully synchronized with Nikki’s pursuit of her own dreams.
“We Are Family” continues to captivate audiences with its unique blend of talent and heartwarming family connections, promising more surprises and emotional moments in the episodes to come.
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Courtney Rose is an Entertainment Writer at Feeling the Vibe Magazine based in New York. Pop culture and rom-com obsessed. Studied Journalism and is up to date on all the latest entertainment news. For tips or comments, email me at
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