Kalani Hiliker: 9 Favorite Things
1) Vacation Spot
Anywhere with a beach
2) Time to Shop!
- Topshop
- Urban Outfitters
- Nordstrom
- Brandy Melville
3) Movie
Best of Me — (Buy Yours Now)
4) Dessert
Chocolate molten cake with vanilla ice cream
5) Song(s)
Needed me by Rihanna (Buy Yours Now)
Controlla by Drake (Buy Yours Now)
Kill em with Kindness by Selena Gomez (Buy Yours Now)
Too Good by Drake Ft. Rihana (Buy Yours Now)
6) Way to relax
Chilling by the pool or watching Netflix or YouTube
7) Form of Dance
Contemporary or Hip Hop
8) Season
9) Subject in School

Editor of Feeling the Vibe Magazine. We have all the scoop on the latest celeb news, makeup tutorials, and so much more.