Francesca’s Encounter with the Jonas Brothers
I met the Jonas Brothers 2 times…the first was June 13th and 14th of 2008 at a meet and greet and at a signing

session. The last was on October 5th 2008 on TRL Italy and I went to a private party here in Milan! They are amazing guys, really sweet, funny, and kind. They told me that they were happy to be in Italy and they were happy to meet me!! *_* I was soo happy, I couldn’t believe that my dreams came true. I’m a JB fan since 2006!! I really love their music…I think they’re amazing…They Rockkk!!
Anna’s Encounter with the Jonas Brothers
I met the Jonas Brothers on July 6th 2008 at Summerfest in Milwaukee, Wi. Each of the guys greeted my friends and I with hugs, and “how are you’s”. They were all really sweet. We had a meet and greet a little bit before the concert,

(where we had 4th row seats!)
My reaction was much different than I anticipated. I thought I would freak, but when I got up to them.. something weird clicked and I just thought to myself, ‘they’re just people’. I mean, yea I was meeting the jonas brothers, but they were normal, sweet, guys. and very down to earth. I felt very thankful for the opportunity to be meeting them, and I hope it happens again sometime soon.
Danielle’s Encounter with the Jonas Brothers

I met the Jonas Brothers outside their hotel during the summer. I said hey and they asked me how I was and thanked me for coming. I talked to Nick about his diabetes, I told him that he is inspiring a lot of people who have the disease that it is not the end of the world and he was so happy and they al gave me hugs. Two days later I met them again and Kevin said he remembered me =] haha It wasnt a m&g or a concert , I did go to 6 of their shows tho. I was so happy that I finally got to meet them!
Kel’s Encounter with the Jonas Brothers
The first time I met the Jonas Brothers was at a meet and greet at the New England Dodge Music Center in Hartford, CT on 7/26/08. Me and my friends entered a contest through a local radio station, we made a video lip-syncing to

Burnin’ Up and won with over 20,000 votes! We won 10 meet and greet passes! The video is on youtube: (and can be seen below). The second time I met the Jonas Brothers was 8/13/08, me and 2 friends woke up at 3:00 in the morning to catch a train and go to NYC where they were staying. We waited outside their hotel for hours and they came out around 12:00. The third time was the same day in NYC when they came back to their hotel later in the day. All three times the Jonas Brothers were so nice! The meet and greet was very quick, but it amazes me that they are so happy to see everyone even though they meet hundreds of fans every single day. In NYC it was their day off, so they weren’t in a rush. In the morning Joe came over to me and we actually talked for a few minutes! In the afternoon all 3 came over to me and my friends and we got their autographs. When I met push play there was security telling everyone in line for the meet and greet that we couldn’t give them hugs or get any pictures, but when we got up to them they were so sweet, and they gave us hugs, autographs and a picture!
7/26 was a meet and greet with the Jonas Brothers before their concert on the Burnin’ Up Tour. I had 6th row seats so i was right next to the catwalk! The first time I met the Jonas Brothers I was totally normal in front of them, because I didn’t want to seem like a crazy fan, but i was still so nervous, my hands where shaking and I was sweating really bad. After they were out of sight though, I literally broke down in tears and my cousins had to hold me up because I could barely walk. It didn’t seem like it was real. The other times I met them I was just as nervous, but I didn’t freak out as much, one of the times I videotaped and it’s on youtube.

Editor of Feeling the Vibe Magazine. We have all the scoop on the latest celeb news, makeup tutorials, and so much more.