When Yankees’ Aaron Judge and Tyler Wade walked into a cafe in Baltimore, they were surely noticed.
The team is currently on the road in Baltimore, Maryland playing the Orioles. On their off day, two of the current teammates decided to grab some coffee at the Blue Moon Light Street Cafe on Light Street in Baltimore.
With a coffee in hand, current second baseman Tyler Wade and #99, Mr Aaron Judge took a photo with Amy, who appears to work at the cafe. The guys look so happy and the photo was posted to Instagram!
Can you imagine looking up and seeing these guys walk in? What would you do? Just what these women did – ask for a photo! Aaron also stopped for another photo with a woman named Shari inside the cafe.
This isn’t the first time Judge and Wade have been seen hanging out outside of the game. These two California natives are pretty tight. Wade came out to support Aaron’s All Rise Foundation at the end of January.
“Had a great time kicking off the All Rise Foundation! Such a great cause!” said Wade.

Off the field, Aaron Judge announced that he is happy to be part of Bloomingdale’s Mix Masters campaign. The campaign photo shows Judge leaning on the side of a fancy car outside of his Yankees uniform. He cleans up quite nicely!
The Yankees are facing off with the Baltimore Orioles tonight at 7pm EST on YES Network.

Courtney Rose is an Entertainment Writer at Feeling the Vibe Magazine based in New York. Pop culture and rom-com obsessed. Studied Journalism and is up to date on all the latest entertainment news. For tips or comments, email me at Courtney@feelingthevibe.com